Friday, February 16, 2018 • Randy Kilgore • General
Three men and a young boy find themselves in freezing water after their plane crashes in Alaska. The three adult men are strong swimmers, and two of them successfully fight the current and make shore safely. The third one, the father of the young boy, would also have been able to make shore, but he noticed his son was losing ground. Swimming back to him, the father fought hard to save his son, but the current was too much for him with his son in tow. As the two men watched helplessly from shore, they saw the father make his choice: He wrapped his arms around his boy, not wanting him to be alone in the time they had left.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 • Randy Kilgore • General
Lately, I've found myself more eager to see the Lord return to usher in His Kingdom. The terror and tragedies around us; the suffering of people we know and love; and even the stresses of daily life, all seem bigger than the fixes on the horizon. As the work I do begins to feel like spooning out the ocean, I grow especially impatient with those around me, and even sometimes with God. "What can He be waiting on?" I wonder.
Monday, July 9, 2012 • Randy Kilgore • Changing the world
Changing the world is a tall order, but it's on the to-do list of nearly every thoughtful person on the planet. But change is possible. This mother passed the formula to her son as they said their goodbyes.