Friday, October 3, 2014 • Randy Kilgore • General
We cannot adequately explain the hardest moments of our lives. We cannot soothe all the sorrows that regularly beset us, or the sorrows of those whom God has placed around us. We cannot wave a magic wand and fix the distresses we see besieging those we love, those we work with, those we know. In our hardest moments, our best efforts are feeble...our best words are hollow. But...
Tuesday, September 18, 2012 • Randy Kilgore • Healing
Somewhere in time we bit off---with good intentions--- the "catch more flies with honey" maxim and decided if we sold Jesus as Mr. Fix-It more people might want to know Him. We also came to believe what we were selling...Trouble is, for most of us, the day after we accept Jesus, the boss still yells, the bills still stack up and the pain still hurts.
Friday, February 3, 2012 • Randy Kilgore • Hope
Francis lived his entire life focused on eternity. He plowed fields, painted barns, pounded pulpits, preached Jesus, and lived life as fully as any man I've ever known, but he did it all with his eyes on Jesus. Because he did, he could hold the hands of a dying friend and tell them it would be better soon. He could comfort the poor and suffering, and give hope to the hopeless, all because He knew the One who could fix it in the end.
Monday, June 14, 2010 • Randy Kilgore • Emotional Needs
He meant well, this pastor trying to ease the pain of a stranger, but he was too young to have learned the "dos" and "don'ts" of comfort-giving. So this particular patient shifted in his bed uncomfortably while the pastor tried to teach him that other people had troubles worse than his, so "he should draw comfort from that, at least."