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As the barge drifted front and center, a string of Christmas lights flashed on and off, greeting whomever might be looking to the river that chilly December evening.�  Even a� barge in the middle of the mighty Mississippi seemed to declare His glory.
One day, almost five years into his fight to survive, Dad pulled me aside to lovingly tell me I had become "an angel of death" in his life, and asked me to stop if I could.�  He was right, too!
Do you find yourself measuring how much God loves you by the circumstances in your life? Are you exhausted by the constant realization that even on your best days you don't deserve God's love or Jesus' sacrifice? Are you worried you might one day lose His love?
Then He said to them, "My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death; remain here and keep watch with Me." And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will." And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping... ---Matthew 26:38-40a
Children tend to think everything in their lives is their fault, and when they hear anger---even the anger of adults debating around them--their little hearts start beating and their minds wonder if they've done something wrong to cause this anger.�???�??�?� 
Utterly alone, at the bottom of a fourteen-foot trench filled with water so thick with silt he literally couldn't see his hand in front of his face, William Walker laid 25,000 bags of concrete, slitting each bag open so the concrete could spread out as it set. He then used 115,000 concrete blocks and 900,000 bricks to shore up the national treasure we know as Winchester Cathedral.
When we encounter Jesus Christ as Savior, we are called to live the rest of our earthly days in service to something, anything, EVERYthing bigger than self.
We can do better than the pecking order of cattle. We can do better because God calls us not to be leaders but servants, not to be winners but witnesses, not to be takers but givers, not to be exploiters but care-givers.
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