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An electronic debate took place recently, among Christian writers, over whether Christians should use profanity...
"Next week," I told my son's fifth-grade Sunday School class, "we're going to have Jesus as our guest teacher." They looked at me like I had two heads. "Okay, obviously Jesus isn't really going to show up here, but if I could get him here in person, what questions would you ask Him."
Scriptwriters would be laughed out of Hollywood for writing these two stories; and yet life almost always proves stranger--and more dramatic--than fiction. So when I heard about the major league pitcher whose medicine rescued thousands, and the WWII soldier who just remembers rescuing one, how could I not chase down the details. See what I learned in the chasing...
Two teams of doctors and nurses worked frantically; one trying to save my wife, the other trying to save our newborn son. All I could do was watch--and pray.
Jeff is facing a crisis of conscience at work. Looking for answers, he's been cruising the websites and blogs specializing in workplace faith issues. The trouble is, he's finding contradictory answers to his questions. So whose advice should he follow?
The past week's emails included two long-time readers who'd cancelled their subscriptions because they disagreed with one sentence in the 357th devotional I'd posted since they joined. Just that quickly, the relationship disappeared after eight years. Earlier, I'd listened to a pastor I deeply admire complain about mortgage bailouts. "Nobody helped me." he started; a hugely discouraging attitude to hear from any believer. Then I read the article in Smithsonian about Christians fighting over the Church of the Nativity, and about how secular Palestinians are trying to fix the problem for us.

So, keyboard in hand, I zinged 'em all.
"How do I know what God wants me to do?"
     Even my hero, Oswald Chambers-the mighty spiritual giant who authored the bestselling Christian book of all time (other than the Bible), My Utmost for His Highest-even my hero Oswald Chambers struggled over not being able to pay his rent. How could God not answer Oswald's prayers!?!
     Same with Tom. Before, when he was still answering the phone, Tom endured the steady mix of soothing promises and abusive threats. Confident God would answer his prayers, he patiently worked through the telephone calls, making promises where he could pay and trying to explain when he couldn't...
We're an all-or-nothing culture at the worst possible moment in human history. Except for the psychopaths incapable of clear thought, even the hardest hearts among us hide this secret: We want heroes.

But every man has another level to this secret: Not only do we want heroes, we once wanted to be those heroes. It's why we cry at courage but not at loss; why we'll march to war but not in protests; why we hate war but love warriors.
Over the past thirty days, American culture has turned a corner, shifting what was once an inexorable, uncomfortably rapid slide away from the God into a stampede. While it isn't fair to lay this shift on President Obama's shoulders, it is his election which has emboldened those who are responsible for the stampede.

America was clearly tired of how the country was being managed, and the shift from Republican to Democratic leadership was their way of telling their leaders they wanted change. But the change the American people demanded with their vote was not a repudiation of Christianity and it was not an invitation to throw out the principles which were used to build this country. In fact, it was a call to return to those principles.

Unfortunately, nobody is listening. (Click through on the title to read more.)

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