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The email sounded like many others we get. At its heart was a statement most of us can identify with, going something like this: "Chaplain," the carpenter said, "it's like I can't help myself sometimes. The very things I wish I would stop doing are the things I keep doing, and the things I wish I would do-and that I know God wants me to do-are the very things I can't seem to get to or to do."

Sound familiar?
What goes on inside that (detox) facility is terrible and difficult and smelly and terrifying to outsiders, but it's a battle for souls that matter. Too often, though, the battles won inside those walls are lost by what's happening outside, among friends and family and coworkers and employers and church members.
Who will answer Varley's call?
"Survival of the fittest" may be an earthly principle resulting from sin's introduction into a fallen world, but it doesn't fit into God's economy.
Francis lived his entire life focused on eternity. He plowed fields, painted barns, pounded pulpits, preached Jesus, and lived life as fully as any man I've ever known, but he did it all with his eyes on Jesus. Because he did, he could hold the hands of a dying friend and tell them it would be better soon. He could comfort the poor and suffering, and give hope to the hopeless, all because He knew the One who could fix it in the end.
That which is not built on eternal truth is destined to eternal insignificance.
Jesus never tells us we can't race to the top; never tells us that a job half-done is good enough; never tells us that gathering wealth or working hard are bad things. BUT......
Solomon learned long ago that wealth doesn't matter without God. Or pleasure, either. But he was puzzled to discover that wisdom and work ALSO didn't matter without God.
I'm sure an army of angels was chuckling at Tina that night. I'm also certain God was pleased by Tina's tender heart-
Tim Tebow's already honoring Scripture by doing his job as if doing it for the Lord (Col. 3:23). But he also believes in honoring Scripture by sharing his faith publicly. Fellow quarterback Aaron Rodgers (quoting St. Francis of Assissi) thinks differently on the matter. What does the Bible say?
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