Today, under the command of our Lord to love our neighbors, we must open our ears to the people we work beside or live with or worship with, listening for the words they may have trouble uttering.
Revival can start anywhere, but the path it follows once started, carries it from heart to heart among those who are already talking to God. These are the beacons of faith that light the darkness when hope is all that's left.
"If only you'd been on time, Lord?" Ever felt like Mary, wondering where God is when you're in trouble? What do we do when the road ahead seems blocked and it feels like we've lost touch with God?
By remembering our spiritual heroes, we may awaken in ourselves what we inherited from them: The ability to let others see Jesus in us.
Reading the Bible makes us better at the work we do, whether we're a plumber working alone or an evangelist teaching large crowds. We all have a place--a holy place--in God's Creation, and the Bible is a necessary part of our training. It's why God promises every time we read His Word, He will make use of that information in our lives.
One of the biggest questions we get asked is "How do you know there is only one way back to God?" That question was answered in a quiet exchange in a garden in Gethsemane many years ago.
It was early in my career, and I was eager to make a mark, so I approached the first round of employee evaluations I did with great care. I already knew that nothing I said in the evaluation should be new information; that if I hadnā?Tt pointed out something during the course of our past year of working together, then springing it in an evaluation for the first time was damaging and unhelpful. No one, in any area of their life, enjoys being blindsided.
When our best intentions fall short; when we find ourselves amidst messes of our own making, it's good to remember God loves us not one whit less. And in those moments, it helps to remember Jesus sticks with us as we pick ourselves up and try all over again.
Loneliness is one of the sad byproducts of busy lives, but not everyone lets their loneliness hold them back. Years ago, I met this amazing woman, whose own loneliness fueled her desire to make sure she greeted everyone who came through "her" corporate doors. Even today, the warmth of that encounter makes me want to find a way to pass what she gave me on to others....
From His first breath, Jesus was gathering the experiences that make Him our most able Advocate. Whether it's the smell of the stable or the fears of a mother-to-be, every part of our existence is important to Him, making it possible for Him to fully know us and yet fully love us. Even the darkest corners of our souls don't escape His scrutiny, or His capacity to forgive.